This year's winner of the "Remembrance and Future" Documentary Award is KONIEC LATA (The Last Day of Summer, Piotr Stasik, Poland 2010), a portrait of several pupils at a cadet school in the Russian provincial metropolis of Penza, where 400 young people are taught discipline and how to love their fatherland by means of military drills. While they come across like little adults when in uniform, outside the classroom they return to being normal children and young people, with all their wishes, hobbies and longings. The film challenges the dominant themes and questions – identity, patriotism, past and future – of a post-Communist generation. Following the screening, Piotr Stasik, Margarete Wach, Grit Lemke, and Ulrich Gregor will hold a discussion. The film URZAD (The Office, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Poland 1966) will be shown to begin the evening.
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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund