The Cinematic Spaces program is being shown as part of a seminar on avant-garde film and tape music (Department for Sound Studies, UdK Berlin) which explores similarities and differences in artistic approaches within these two forms of media. Editing, material and time all form an integral part of both genres. The films chosen demonstrate cinematic space in exemplary fashion. Moving from the smallest element of film with respect to editing, the individual image (SERENE VELOCITY, Ernie Gehr, 1970), via the radical treatment of entire sequences of found film material (STADT IN FLAMMEN, Schmelzdahin, 1984), all the way to traversing space time in cinematic terms, where a lack of immediacy by no means leads to a drop in intensity. (WAVELENGTH, Michael Snow, 1967). (July 14) (Julius Stahl)
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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund