The November program of the UdK class on Time Based Media and Performance revolves around transgressions: the domestic eeriness of the melodrama on November 9 in HOME STORIES (Matthias Müller, 1990), a repeated 360 degree tracking shot in LA CHAMBRE (Chantal Akerman, 1972) and the life of performers: dance and emotion in Yvonne Rainer's LIVES OF PERFORMERS (1972). In 1970, actress Barbara Loden shot her only film WANDA with cameraman Nicholas T. Proferes from the Direct Cinema school, creating an "opaque, ambiguous territory of unspoken repression.”"(November 16) And on November 23, a semi-documentary film about the dream states of a 16-year-old: ICH DENKE OFT AN HAWAII (1978) by Elfi Mikesch together with WEISSE REISE (1979) by Werner Schroeter – "Adventure film, home movie and Brechtian drama" (Gérard Courant). (Madeleine Bernstorff)
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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund