Three filmmakers with a program that beautifully illustrates the differences and similarities in their approach to their work. VILLATALLA by Jeannette Muñoz came into being during a month in a mountain village in Liguria. The sound and images are not synchronized. Muñoz considers them as two independent realities that come together only in our consciousness. EIN JAHR by Renate Sami: "A tree. A wall behind the tree with flaking plaster that creates strange patterns. I filmed this tree and the wall for a year, paying particular attention to the light." JUNGE KIEFERN by Ute Aurand is the result of three trips to Japan that were made between May 2009 and November 2010. "I was working at the editing table as the tsunami and Fukushima suddenly changed the perspective on life in Japan." (14.1., the filmmakers will be present)