February's program for the UdK class for time-based media and performance begins with George Cukor’s melodrama A STAR IS BORN (USA 1954, 1.2.), starring Judy Garland who also produced it and supported by the Warner Brothers: "Is any movie as deeply committed to utterly uncontrolled emotional chaos as his A Star Is Born?" (D. Callahan) DIE FINANZEN DES GROSSHERZOGS RADIKANT FILM by Max Linz (D 2011) is a farce about the (neo-feudal) selling off of local film and art production. It will be followed by Riki Kalbe's HEXENSCHUSS (BRD 1979), in which three women build a jammer and René Frölke's FÜHRUNG (D 2011) about how art, business and study become intertwined in the unorthodox daily existence of an art school. At the end of his CRNI FILM (Yugoslavia 1971), Želimir Žilnik asks the question: "Is film a weapon or just shit?" (8.2.) (Madeleine Bernstorff)
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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund