The "Kinoarchäologie" project features eight films by the American documentary filmmaker Les Blank. WERNER HERZOG EATS HIS SHOE (USA 1980), the starting point for a film archeology project undertaken by students at the FU under Sabine Nessel's direction, will open the program as a cinematographic counterpart to the group's contribution to the exhibition. Les Blank's films show the variety of everyday life, food, music and immigration culture in the US in a specifically subjective way, with single people, subjects or places returning again and again. The films bring his work with Maureen Gosling and Skip Gerson to the fore, as well as blues, zydeco, Creole and Cajun food traditions and musical cultures. We will be screening other films by Les Blank in July. (27. & 28.6.)
Funded by:
Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund