Once again the Arsenal cinema will become a control and editing room for "new film archivists" who will speculate about the rules of transition and the space of assertion offered by a moving image archive. They will discuss the politics of the perception of time, escape routes and cinematic strategies (Passing Drama, with Brigitta Kuster and Vassilies Tsianos, 14.6.), the totemistic pre-oedipal subject position of the Anti-Electra (with Elisabeth von Samsonow, 21.6.), for which, in six feminist films, questions only arise when they all want to already be answered, and the archive of the exhibition re.act.feminism #2 – a performing archive that is opening at the Akademie der Künste at the end of June (with Bettina Knaup, 30.6.).
Funded by:
Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund