Tears and splices – Cuba and Europeans (Florian Zeyfang)
Starting with a tear in a film by Chris Marker's LA BATAILLE DES DIX MILLIONS (Cuba 1970), the program investigates Europe's projections onto revolutionary Cuba. Apart from important films in the Arsenal, works by Nicolás Guillén Landrián who has long been forgotten will be shown in Berlin for the first time. A second program is dedicated to the experimental works of the filmmaker Sara Gómez who died at an early age. In the "European" part of the program, works by those who visited Cuba after the revolution and with whom Gómez and Landrián worked will be shown: The aforementioned Chris Marker and Theodor Christensen, whose filme ELLA (1964) was shot with Cuban crew. Christensen worked closely with the young Cuban filmmakers in the 1960's, among them Sara Gómez and Nicolás Guillén Landrián. (23./24.6.). At KW Florian Zeyfang presents the video installation “Splicefilm”, an homage to Birgit and Wilhelm Hein's WEISSFILM.
Funded by:
Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund
The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut