Magical History Tour: Clothes in Motion – Costumes, Styles and Fashion in Film
White suits, red shoes, black coasts, dark sunglasses – there is many a piece of clothing or accessory to be found over the course of film history that seems to encapsulate an entire film, even outside of its immediate context. Yet even before costumes attain this iconic status, they tell stories within the film, give their wearers new life, conceal hidden chasms, create atmospheres and leave their mark on the look, texture and often even the soundtrack of films. The dramatic, narrative and psychological function of costumes in film is undisputed, as is their influence on the zeitgeists, fashion trends and styles which they call into existence, play a role in and launch. The Magical History Tour invites audiences to take a look into the studios of international costumers fashion designers and artists from nine decades.
Funded by:
Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund