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Under the title of "6 Short Portraits – Poetic Cinema for Everyone 7 and Above", Ute Aurand and Robert Beavers shows a series of films that are portraits in one way or another: ENVIOS 26(Chile 2013) by Jeannette Muñoz is the portrait of a Chilean mountain landscape with horses, children and a very old camera, filmed in black and white without sound. In A PORTRAIT OF GA (USA 1952), Margaret Tait filmed her mother on the Orkney Islands running under a rainbow and smoking at the window. FIRST WEEKS(USA 2014) by Robert Beavers is the portrait of a baby. Ute Aurand's godson FRANZ (Germany 2011) is getting older. Everyday observations of children, blossoming trees and old monasteries are edited together by Renate Sami in JAPAN MÄRZ 2014 to form a tender visual poem; in IN THE STREET (USA 1948), photographer Helen Levitt Mitte filmed many children playing and the occasional adult in Spanish Harlem, New York in the 1940s. (ua) (11.12.)

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