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The genocide carried out by the German National Socialists on the Sinti and Roma more than left its mark on the following generations. The film series asks how the Roma and Sinti might be able to move away from external attributions and find their own identity.The program on 10.11. is dedicated to Anita Awosusi, who has carried out committed civil rights work for the German Sinti and Roma over the last 30 years. She shows a documentary of her engagement with remembrance and education politics, with a discussion then to follow.DESERT INSPIRATION (Monika Nolte, Germany 2015, 17.11.) The German Sinti guitarist Lulo Reinhardt travels to the south of Morocco, where he makes friends with a group of musicians and finds a shared language via music. (dr)An event by the Evangelische Akademie zu Berlin and the Landesrat der Roma und Sinti, RomnoKher Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund

The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut