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Filmmaker and video pioneer Gerd Conradt belongs to the first and legendary generation of dffb students, who created a furor due to their political commitment. He has been shooting films to this day that grapple with the story of the student movement and left-wing currents. In the early 70s, Gerd Conradt discovered the new medium of video. From then on, he videographed the events and people in front of the door of his house, but also shot in India, Siberia, Africa, and China. His dffb films have formed part of the Deutsche Kinemathek's holdings for a long time now, which is supposed to progressively become the home of his entire oeuvre. To coincide with his 75th birthday, a program of films from five decades sheds light of his life as a chronicler and capturer of images, that can also be grasped as a cinematic commentary of 50 years of German (cultural) history. (ah) (30.5., with guest Gerd Conradt)

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund