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The young director Krzysztof Skonieczny presents his debut as well as a Polish classic. HARDKOR DISCO (Krzysztof Skonieczny, Poland 2014, 25.2., in the presence of the director) The young, smart Marcin suddenly turns up in the world of Ola and her parents. He has no past and does not talk much. But he has a plan of revenge that Ola and those around her have no inkling of. Intransigence and an explosive energy seep through the pictures of a shiny, luxurious Warsaw. NA WYLOT (Through and Through, Grzegorz Królikiewicz, Poland 1972, 26.2.) In clear black-and-white pictures of graphic quality, the desperate struggle of a young couple in 1930s Polish society is depicted. After the brutal murder of three elderly people, the couple is promptly arrested and taken to court. They both confess so as to save their partner from capital punishment. (al)

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The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut