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A coming of age story and a science fiction parable on everyday existence under dictatorships form the focus of KinoPolska, presented by director Jakub/Kuba Czekaj, whose gaudily colorful BABY BUMB (J. Czekaj, Poland 2015, 6.12., guest: J. Czekaj) shows the life of eleven-year-old Mickey as he reaches the threshold of pre-adolescence. At times his mother's sweetie pie, at others a bullied outcast at school – in rapid tempo, Mickey loses both the ground under his feet and his relationship to his body. A wild tour de force through the depths of puberty. WOJNA ŚWIATÓW (The War of the Worlds, Piotr Szulkin, Poland 1981, 7.12.) At the end of 1999, Martians land on Earth. The maxim of unconditional friendship and cooperation is proclaimed, blood is even supposed to be donated for the aliens. It's only TV presenter Iron Idem who gets in the way of the state decree. (mg) In collaboration with the Polnisches Institut, Berlin and with the friendly support of the Stiftung für deutsch-polnische Zusammenarbeit.

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund

The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut