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Language, sound, orthography, live soundtracks. Taking two words from their mother tongue and the German language they’re learning/have learnt, school children from the special classes aimed at integrating refugees into the Berlin school system develop their own individual form of lettering based on their handwriting, guided by the four artists Eunice Martins, Laura Mello, Heidrun Schramm and Nicolas Wiese.The words are put into motion and animated by way of the stop motion technique, with short visual sequences being created via reproductions, color changes, and movements within the frame. The next step involves investigating their own language and the German language new to them in relation to their respective linguistic sounds and musical potential, with vocal sounds and bodily percussions being used to this end, along with playful forms of speech, repeated rhythmic patterns composed of word segments, or the exploration of sentence melodies. With these elements and the recorded sound of the action of writing, the results of the previous step are then utilized to compose short language sound pieces. The school children then use the resultant, mutually inspiring visual and sound elements to create longer sections, pieces, and eventually the film performances. The live presentation of the multimedia spoken word performances and experimental films then takes place at Arsenal 1 on 8.2.16 at 12pm, together with an exhibition of the visual works. The project is a collaboration by the Tagscape and Sononolux projects: tagscape.blogspot.de/>;tagscape.blogspot.de
sononolux.blogspot.de/>;sononolux.blogspot.deFunded by the Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung.

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund