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The city as a place of life is a popular film motif. It is sometimes depicted as being friendly, often as hostile and full of rejection, but almost always as fascinating. Our four short films show clearly how different city portraits can be and how a city's movement can be captured. In VORMITTAGSSPUK (Hans Richter, D 1928), objects (hats, cups, collars etc) become independent and rebel against people and daily routines. In SCHATTEN (BRD 1960), Hans-Jürgen Pohland tells the story of a city with light and darkness. WOCHENENDE (Walter Ruttmann, D 1930) uses found sound material to talk about the metropolis Berlin. DIE SPRACHE DER STADT (2016) makes a similar attempt when 15 children set out one afternoon with their cameras to see what is going on in the city. After the screening, viewers will have a chance to create their own city panoramas, using expressive shadows. (af) (30.4., Moderation: Anna Faroqhi & Haim Peretz)

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund