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In Harun Farocki's documentary JEAN-MARIE STRAUB UND DANIÈLE HUILLET BEI DER ARBEIT AN EINEM FILM NACH FRANK KAFKAS ROMANFRAGMENT"AMERIKA" (FRG 1983) a filmmaker shows other filmmakers at work. Harun Farocki was a student and admirer of the directors whom he portrays in his film. Straub and Huillet stage-manage rehearsals at the theater very precisely and without paying attention to time. The sound of words is important. There can be no mistakes because the camera will record everything for eternity. What springs to mind is how calm the working environment is. The development of a film is shown as the implementation of an idea. We will watch this film about making films and then afterwards there will be a chance to make a small film scene and to watch with or without a camera. (af) (24.9., Moderation: Anna Faroqhi & Haim Peretz)

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund

The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut