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Play belongs not just to life, but also to film. The opening film in this program is SHADOWPLAY (Germany 2016), made by Wedding Elementary School pupils in the film workshop "Light and Color" at the Arsenal Filmatelier. In the film SALLY (Luna Maurer & Roel Wouters, Netherlands 2005), marbles defy the laws of gravity: in the interior of a glass box, they effortlessly roll up the sides. The film 33 YO-YO TRICKS (P. White, USA 1976) contains just what the title promises: a yo-yo champion shows his tricks, which have great names like “walk the dog.” The silent film TOYING WITH STRINGS (Detel Aurand & Ute Aurand, Germany 1999) lets objects—sticks, threads, stones, and sand—come to life as though without human intervention. Following the film program, special guest Sebastian Holzkamp (German yo-yo competition runner-up and winner of the European Juniors 2016) will make his yo-yo fly for you. Bring your own yo-yo along and learn some new tricks! (stsch)(22.1., moderation: Stefanie Schlüter, for participants ages 5 and up.)

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund

The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut