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The Cinepoetics Lectures are a lecture series put on by the colloquium and research group of the same name at the FU Berlin, which invites well known film and media scholars to present a selected film. The current Cinepoetics Lectures are concerned with questioning the historicity of audiovisual images: where does this historicity lie, beyond the representational level of historical subjects? How is a realm of historical experience produced, which is reshaped with each new appropriation of film images and each media shift? In his presentation "Intimate Violence: Drone Vision in Eye in the Sky", Robert Burgoyne (University of St Andrews) will explore intimacy and distance as the relationship of tension that governs how modern war is conducted and represented in view of a new permutation of somatic testimony. We are showing the film EYE IN THE SKY (Gavin Hood, USA 2015) beforehand to this end. (er) (23.10.)

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  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund

The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut