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The History of Documentary Film at the dffb II: Lecturer Klaus Wildenhahn According to Ulrich Gregor, it was Klaus Wildenhahn who rescued the dffb after a crisis triggered by the relegation of 18 students in the winter of 1968/69. On the one hand, he was in a position to mediate between the warring fronts of management and the remaining students, on the other he was able to channel the students' angry energy into documentary filmmaking. He led a "newsreel group" that produced works and in autumn 1968 the student Roland Hehn started making DER REIFENSCHNEIDER UND SEINE FRAU, a portrait of two fighters on the poverty line. In 1969, the attempt to make a film about biochemists at the Robert Koch Institute involuntarily became a study about the difficulties of documentary filmmaking called SCHWIERIGKEITEN BEIM DOKUMENTARFILMMACHEN (Michael Busse, Susanne Lahay, Thomas Mitscherlich). (fl) (13.3.)

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