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In his film essay BILDER DER WELT UND INSCHRIFT DES KRIEGES (Images of the World and the Inscription of War, FRG 1988) Harun Farocki reflected upon the violence of images created through technology. The film talks about the naked faces of Algerian Berber women, of aerial footage taken by the Allies of Auschwitz and of the idea of surveying and ruling behind technical images that surveyors and rulers do not always succeed in pulling off. The film provided a formal and thematic base for Farocki's film oeuvre with its ideas being followed up on more deeply in subsequent works. In the post-screening mini-workshop, participants will create a montage of images of war. How are pictures assembled? What are the possibilities of narration? (af) (29.9., Moderation: Anna Faroqhi & Haim Peretz)

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund