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The DEFA Foundation's film evening will be devoted to the composer Peter Gotthardt, who in a career spanning more than half a century wrote not only countless compositions for the DEFA, but also for West German films. In this program of short films, we will be showing three examples of documentary films that Gotthardt composed for. In Women Students – Impressions from a Technical College (1965), Winfried Junge looks into the question of why so few women decide to study at technical colleges. ABLINGA (Dagnija Osite-Krüger, East Germany 1977) reports on a village in Lithuania that was destroyed in World War II. AVE (Germany 1991) is Peter Gotthardt's cinematic reaction to the First Gulf War. … THINK ABOUT THE END (Lothar Friedrich, East Germany 1981) and the fairy-tale film THE STOLEN FACE (Lothar Barke, East Germany 1979) were produced in the DEFA animation studios. The feature film KÄTHE KOLLWITZ – IMAGES OF A LIFE (Ralf Kirsten, East Germany 1986) depicts the important events in the life of the painter, played by Jutta Wachowiak. (jh) (9.1.)

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The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut