The evening follows traces of Chile in the DEFA films created as a reaction to the Chileans who emigrated to East Germany to escape persecution following the fall of Salvador Allende in 1973 Claudia Sandberg and Alejandro Areal Vélez present their documentary PELÍCULAS ESCONDIDAS. UN VIAJE ENTRE EL EXILIO Y LA MEMORIA (Argentina/Germany 2016) about film reports on this coming together of German-Chilean solidarity. Günter Jordan's documentary COPIHUITO (East Germany 1977) shows Chilean adolescents in East Germany and the teenage magazine they published, which conveyed their experiences in both their old home and their new one. EINE CHILENISCHE HOCHZEIT (Rainer Ackermann, Walentin Milanow, East Germany 1977) is an account of a Chilean couple who married while in exile and recall the friends they left behind and the suffering under Pinochet. Orlando Lübbert's feature DER ÜBERGANG (East Germany 1978) accompanies three Chileans as they flee to Argentina, a journey full of danger. (rp) (3.7.)