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Luxury homes, tastefully furnished, well cared for but devoid of people: This is the way the world of Silicon Valley presents itself in A STRANGE NEW BEAUTY (USA 2017) by the New York filmmaker and artist Shelly Silver. Attention is directed to details while the screen divides into smaller squares over and over again; images are layered over writing and over voices, whose origin remain hidden to us. "Thus we learn of the world behind the appearances. A world ruled by dominance and submission. By strategies to overcome fear. And by the antagonism between the "natural" pursuit of happiness of a very few and the collateral damages produced in the process. Because ultimately this film by Shelly Silver is a narrative of barbarianism and how, brilliantly refined, it manages to present itself as strangely new and beautiful – 'a strange new beauty' indeed." (Ralph Eue) (1.2., Shelly Silver will be present)

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund