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The longing to invert one-dimensional perspectives on anthropology, is as old as anthropology itself. Among filmmakers it is Jean Rouch who focuses most consequently on the reversion of (post-)colonial interpretations and observations. His improvised works function both as a mixture of jocularity and seriousness, allegory and slapstick. In his presentation “Mai 1968 und die Umkehrung des ethnographischen Blicks”, Erhard Schüttpelz (University of Siegen) examines Jean Rouch’s inversion of (post-)colonial and ethnographic ideas referring to PETIT À PETIT (Rouch, F 1971) – a film introducing us to the concept of a reinterpreted model of anthropology through the eyes of a businessman from Niger. Following the lecture, PETIT À PETIT (Rouch, F 1971) will be screened. (cs/dd) The Cinepoetics Lectures are organized by Cinepoetics—Center for Advanced Film Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. (28.5.)

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund