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Even in times of an omnipresence of moving images, film still needs cinema. Everybody who operates a movie theater or still goes there knows this. Heide Schlüpmann’s (Goethe Universität Frankfurt) lecture “Raumgeben” is a plea for cinema. For thinking about the currently too often neglected cinema and for asking ourselves what we are looking to find there. Schlüpmann reflects on theories of cinema from the 1970s and 1980s and adds ideas that failed to be noticed earlier – such as a historical connection between private space and cinema space. Following the lecture, KUMAR TALKIES (Pankaj Rishi Kumar, IND 2000) will be screened: a film about an Indian cinema in the 1990s. (cs/dd) The Cinepoetics Lectures are organized by Cinepoetics—Center for Advanced Film Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. (9.7.)

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