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Contrasting the early and late films by Sergej Eisenstein as opposite groups of work is very common. Naum Kleiman (Moscow), however, considers those films not as two contrary poles, but rather as consecutive stages in Eisenstein’s poetics of cinema. In his lecture “Vom ‘Intellektuellen Film’ in Oktober zur Ikonographie in Iwan der Schreckliche”, Kleiman elaborates on those lines of development. He will discuss how Eisenstein’s idea of the ‘Intellectual Film’ develops in the direction of an Ideography, finally arriving at an Iconography of film. Afterwards THE GENERAL LINE (S. Eisenstein, SU 1929) will be screened – with Leonid Nemirowski playing the piano. The Cinepoetics Lectures are organized by Cinepoetics—Center for Advanced Film Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. (cs/ks) (19.11.)

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund