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In August 1967, a group of students (including Helke Sander und Harun Farocki) at the Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie in Berlin formed the so-called “Group 3” in order to be able to react to the political situation of the time in fast and flexible fashion. The group’s first big project was the agitatorial film BRECHT DIE MACHT DER MANIPULATEURE,which reflects on the protests against the Springer company and continues them in cinematic form. In DEMONSTRANTENSELBSTSCHUTZ, Dietrich Schubert was also looking for new forms to convey political content. Documentary filmmaker Günther Hörmann from Ulm shows the last delegate conferences of the German Socialist Students’ Association (SDS) in Hannover in 1968 in DJANGO UND DIE TRADITION – and thus also the breakdown of one of the most important movements that brought “1968” to Germany. (ft) An event by CineGraph Babelsberg in collaboration with the Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv and the Deutsche Kinemathek. Introduction: Fabian Tietke (14.5.)

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