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Walter used to be a respected manufacturer, but now his factory is in ruins and the 55-year-old is unemployed. To give his life “meaning” again, the frustrated Walter wanders through Berlin by night, making sure law and order are upheld. He is accompanied by two adolescents, who look up to him with suitable respect. His wife watches with concern as Walter convinces himself that he is irreplaceable when it comes to maintaining social order. Yet one night, he goes too far. Andreas Kleinert’s WEGE IN DIE NACHT (Germany 1999) is the dark, visually powerful psychogramme of a despairing idealist who can’t come to terms with reality following the collapse of East Germany and was the opening film of the “Quinzaine des réalisateurs” in Cannes in 1999. Andreas Kleinert will be our guest for the premiere of the digital version. (ah) (17.12.)

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund