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The DEFA Foundation is commemorating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx with a short film program. His life and works inspired directors in the DEFA’s studios for animated film, feature films and documentaries to make all kinds of productions. The romantic LIEBESBRIEFE (Love Letters) provides a sensitive portrait of the pre-marriage years of Karl Marx and Jenny von Westphalen. In an episode for DEFA KINOBOX 1988/61, Helke Misselwitz depicts the later life of the Marx family in London. In the animated films LIEBER MOHR – PERSÖNLICHE ERINNERUNGEN AN KARL MARX VON PAUL LAFARGUE and EIN JUNGER MANN NAMENS ENGELS, Marx’s companions have their say. In FOTOGRAFIEN, Peter Voigt underlays photos of workers with Marx quotations. MOHR UND DIE RABEN VON LONDON (Helmut Dziuba, 1968) is an adaptation of the eponymous children’s book that depicts Marx showing children who have to work nightshifts in a London spinning works various paths of resistance. (jh) (5.2.)

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