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Vaginal Davis is back! Our film archaeologist is returning with a brand new program! Vinegar syndrome (with its strong smell) is the name given to the degradation of film caused by the chemical reaction of cellulose triacetate meeting humidity (this can be observed at the terrarium at the MARS restaurant). But is that all? Or are there other theories linked to the vinegar syndrome that are still to be discovered? Along with Daniel Hendrickson, Ms. Davis will examine the cause and effect of aging processes in many parts of the city. The first edition will take place in the Fichte-Bunker. NB: You need to have Arsenal membership to attend. You can get this from the cinema or at the bunker (Fichtestrasse 6) itself on the evening. If you want to help save other films from succumbing to vinegar syndrome, you can do this by becoming a member of arsenal freundeskreis. (27., 28. & 29.6.)

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund