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“It’s unclear whether the longing for a white Christmas is now being taken seriously, or whether it’s supposed to be denounced.” (Harun Farocki): Vaginal Davis and Daniel Hendrickson present the agit-prop short WHITE CHRISTMAS (West Germany 1968) together with Michael Curtiz’s musical of the same name (USA 1954). While Farocki juxtaposes Bing Crosby’s mawkish Christmas song with footage of the Vietnam War, Michael Curtiz’ classic tells the story of two former war comrades who have now become a successful Broadway duo. They have to help their former general out of a jam. His hotel is chronically under-booked, with a Christmas show supposed to get business going again.

What’s special this time round: Contemporary Vinegar Syndrome is taking place at the Gropius Bau at the invitation of Wu Tsang, In House: Artist in Residence 2018! After the screening, Wu Tsang and Liz Rosenfeld will receive guests at their late-night fermentation salon with cocktails and other specialties. As always, we look forward to seeing members of the Arsenal Freundeskreis and those who maybe want to join!

Tickets can be bought in advance online at www.gropiusbau.de and at the evening box office.

An event in collaboration with the Gropius Bau. (16.12.)

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund