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The films by “DDR – ohne Titel” and “WOEST – ohne Titel” refer to the upheaval of 1989. They speak from different geographical and temporal standpoints, as the countries they are listed under indicate. The first ones, shot in East Germany in the “hot” autumn before the fall of the Wall, are ways of approaching the social upheaval at whose center the filmmakers found themselves. LEIPZIG IM HERBST (East Germany 1989) and IN BERLIN 16.10.–04.11.89 (East Germany 1989) are collections of materials that document a search for orientation in a social context that can no longer be understood. “WOEST – ohne Titel” collects the external view of this upheaval, both temporally and geographically. DDR – OHNE TITEL (Germany 1991), FORMER EAST / FORMER WEST (USA 1994) and DIE DDR HAT ES NIE GEGEBEN / APPELL(Germany 2016) are ghost trips – though East Germany, which still appears like a phantom despite having ceased to exist, and through a new Germany of an unclear nature. (ct) (14.10.)

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