AEG MAHA (Time Out, 1984) is an animated film by Priit Pärn about a cat whose day transforms into a series of surreal dreams. PÔRGU (Hell, 1983) by Rein Raamat enters into the life of Estonian graphic artist and painter Eduard Wiiralt from the early 1930s in three steps (“The Preachers”, “Cabaret”, and “Hell”). In HULLUMEELSUS (Kaljo Kiisk, 1968), a Gestapo officer looks for a spy in a psychiatric hospital. The film, a critique of totalitarianism, was banned, but Tallinnfilm, who produced it, hid the archived duplicate. Today, prints of the film exist in Tallinn and in the Arsenal film archive. Thanks to the Eesti Filmi Instituut. Presented by Eléonore de Montesquiou. (edm) (11.4.)