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The Karrabing Film Collective is an indigenous media collective founded in 2010 and based at the upper end of the Northern Territory in Australia. They see themselves as a grassroots movement which uses its aesthetic practice as a means of self-organization. Their films show their lives, forge links to their land, and intervene in the global image of indigenousness. Their artistic language, situated between fiction and documentary, as well as history and the present which can be understood as a new form of collective indigenous action. The medium of film is a form of survival strategy – a refusal to renounce their own land and a means of exploring the social conditions of inequality.

As part of the Stoffwechsel project by Film Feld Forschung, we are opening the program with an outdoor preview of the oral history work 24 HOURS (2019)on the external grounds of silent green Kulturquartier. THE MERMAIDS, OR AIDEN IN WONDERLAND (2018), which was recently shown at Forum Expanded, is then being screened together with NIGHT TIME GO (2017) in the Kuppelhalle. NIGHT TIME GO links together reenactments with archive material and is dedicated to the arrests of indigenous people during the Second World War. (20.8.)

The series continues at Arsenal with THE JEALOUS ONE (2017), which explores bureaucracy, jealous, and family disagreements. WUTHARR, SALTWATER DREAMS (2016) is also an account of a fight within a large indigenous family, told via flashbacks – in this cause about the cause of a damaged engine that means the boat can’t be used. (21.8.)

In WINDJARRAMERU (THE STEALING C*NT$) (2015), young men are falsely accused of having stolen beer. WHEN THE DOGS TALKED (2014) too is about structural racism and poverty. Both films left their mark on the unique Karrabing style of “improvised realism”. (22.8.) Guests: Ethan Jorrock, Angelina Lewis, Elisabeth A. Povinelli und Kieran Sing. Part of Archive außer sich. (stss)

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund