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This month, we welcome the current Living Archive grant-holder to Arsenal: Carine Doumit, a film editor and writer from Beirut. She will present two films from the archive: CLASSICAL PERIOD (Ted Fendt, USA 2018) und LE CAMION (Marguerite Duras, France 1977).
 [– Is this a film? – It would have been a film. It is a film.] Does showing, reading, copying, translating, re-enacting or commenting a literary text in films inevitably lead to an adaptation? Or are these just artifices that contain the process of reading and writing and possibly all allocations of time and space between – the process of observing, listening, interrupting, drifting, walking, mutual observation or observation of the same landscape or standing uneasily in a room, speechless. This program is perhaps just as much about conversations, as it is about silence, as Deleuze would have said, and perhaps the topic of conversation actually lies beneath what we see. (cd) (6.9)

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund

The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut