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On 20.11., the German Short Film Prize will be awarded at the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. Before the nine nominated and prize-winning films travel through cinemas across Germany over the next year, we are celebrating a sort of passing of the baton, with films from the (soon to end) previous year and the new crop. Films of different categories will be shown that experiment, transcend boundaries, provoke thought, entertain. The following selection from last year’s nominees and winners – NEKO NO HI/CAT DAYS (Jon Frickey), NACH DEM FEST (Hannes Schilling), HOSTEL (Daniel Popat) – meet three of the 2019 nominees: INSIDE ME (Maria Teixeira), DER PROBAND (Hannes Schilling), DOROTCHKA (Olga Delane). (fk) An event with numerous guests in collaboration with the AG Kurzfilm – Bundesverband Deutscher Kurzfilm. Moderation: Cornelia Klauß. (4.12.)

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund