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The socialist intellectual and politician Rosa Luxemburg was murdered 100 years ago on 15th January. In our first program block, we explore her life with three documentary works. In ROSA LUXEMBURG – STATIONEN IHRES LEBENS, Renate Drescher sketches her life using rare historical documentary footage. Róza Berger-Fiedler’s LIEBSTER DZIODZIO gives an insight into her intellectual and emotional world by creating associative images to accompany excerpts from letters to her partner (in life and in the struggle) Leo Jogiches. DDR-MAGAZIN 1978/06 gives an insight into the official culture of commemoration regarding Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg and Wilhelm Pieck in the GDR. DER MORD, DER NIE VERJÄHRT (The Murder That Was Never Recognized, Wolfgang Luderer) is a courtroom drama about the trial against the journalist Joseph Bornstein, who in 1929 tried to uncover the background behind Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht’s murder. The trainee lawmaker Friedrich Karl Kaul attended the murder trial and later worked on the screenplay. (jh) (7.1.)

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund

The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut