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CVS on the patio of the Vollguter Gemeinschaftsgarten! In the second open-air edition of her series of performances from the Arsenal archive, Vaginal Davis - supported by Daniel Hendrickson as always - will give an insight into Brazil’s Cinema Novo. She will present short works by the filmmaker and theoretician Glauber Rocha, considered the movement’s mind; these include his first film, the experimental PÁTIO (1959) as well as the documentaries MARANHÃO 66 (1966) about the celebrations after Governor José Sarney took office and AMAZONAS, AMAZONAS (co-directed by Luiz Augusto Mendes and Fernando Duarte, 1966) about the Amazon and those who work in the region. Tata Amaral and her successful hip-hop short film VIVER A VIDA (1992) about the daily life of an office boy will represent a later generation. Free for members. You can become a member at the box office. (stss) Venue: Vollguter Gemeinschaftsgarten, Neukölln on the grounds of the former Kindl Brauerei) (10.9.)

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund