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Two Basque filmmakers from two different generations: The first female director of Basque cinema Mirentxu Loyarte was only able to make two short films. IRRINTZI (Spain 1978, 7.2.) is an experimental film set during the transition period after the death of Franco that explores Basque identity and state oppression of the Basque population. In EUSKAL EMAKUMEAK (IKUSKA 12) (Basque Women, Mirentxu Loyarte, Spain 1981, 7.2.), which is part of a documentary series about Basque culture, four women reflect on their work and status as women. Iratxe Fresneda’s IRRINTZIAREN OIHARTZUNAK (Echoing Calls, Spain 2016, 7.2.) is at once a filmic work of memory and a portrait of Mirentxu Loyarte, exploring the conditions of her filmmaking and her later exile. LURRALDE HOTZAK (Cold Lands, Iratxe Fresneda, Spain 2018, 8.2.) is a personal journey into the world of cinema and images. (al)
In cooperation with Gernika Deutsch-Baskischer Kulturverein e.V.

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund