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“The color is the key, the eye is the hammer, the soul is the piano with many strings” is how painter Wassily Kandinsky put it in 1911. Forms in film also have a rhythm and colors can dance to film music, such as in Mary Ellen Bute’s ABSTRONIC (USA 1952), which shows how sounds move. Evelyn Lambart und Norman McLaren’s hand-painted film BEGONE DULL CARE (Canada 1949) proves that sounds can become audible via colors and forms. Images that play with music on the screen can be seen in EARLY ABSTRACTIONS by Harry Smith (USA 1939–1956). And Bärbel Neubauer’s MONDLICHT (Germay 1997) presents how forms are created in a particular rhythm by scratches on the film strip and disappear again. Following the screening, all the children can paint their own rhythms and take them home with them. (mp/kr) For all aged 5 years and up (31.10.)

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund

The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut