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The first filmmaking impulse can be curiosity. Looking at the street and what happens there is the source of this curiosity for many filmmakers. Isabell Spengler thus films the street from out of the window in MUMMY (Germany 2004). For her part, Riki Kalbe observes the titular “Fussvolk” (people on foot) in FUSSVOLK (Germany 1994). The documentary shorts IN DER FREMDE (Anna Faroqhi, Germany/Israel 2003), ORCHARD STREET (Ken Jacobs, USA 1955/2014) and WHAT MOZART SAW ON MULBERRY STREET (Rudy Burckhardt, Joseph Cornell, USA 1956) were produced based on observations of everyday life in neighborhoods in Tel Aviv and New York. We will be watching films about life in the streets for which there was no script. (af/hp) Moderation: Anna Faroqhi and Haim Peretz. For all those 10 years and above. (16.1.)

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund