The Deutsche Kinemathek will be showing the exhibition Frame by Frame – Restoring Film through July 4th, 2022, which provides insights into the work of film restorers.
Elfi Mikesch / FRG 1980
DCP Original version 108 Min.
Followed by a discussion with Elfi Mikesch and Martin Koerber
Arsenal 1
Followed by a discussion with Bärbel Freund, Ulrike Pfeiffer and Julia Wallmüller
Haro Senft / FRG 1971
DCP 89 Min.
Introduced by Julia Wallmüller
Lost and Found: Johan Prijs
Lost and Found: Paolo Cherchi Usai
Lost and Found: Martin Koerber
Introduced by Martin Koerber
Funded by:
Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund
The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut