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General Info on arsenal edition

All titles published by arsenal edition are available at the Arsenal cinema box office during opening hours.

We can also mail you our titles following advance payment. Please send your order to our postal address or to the email address below.


Arsenal - Institute for Film and Video Art
Potsdamer Straße 2
10785 Berlin
Email: publikationen@arsenal-berlin.de


Please note: the publications listed below are in German unless otherwise stated.

One Film at a Time

Accidental Archivism

Performing Documentary

3 Publications on Med Hondo, Archive Books 2021

Ich trank Gift wie kachetischen Wein (I Drank Poison like Kakhetian Wine) German translation of Lana Gogoberidze’s autobiography, 2019, 516 pages + 16 image pages, 25 €

Family Affairs Cinematic Relationships Between Georgia and Arsenal, 2018, 149 pages, 12 €

Asynchronous Documentaries and Experimental Films on the Holocaust. From the Collection of the Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art e.V., 2015, 176 pages, 10 €

Living Archive – Archive Work as a Contemporary Artistic and Curatorial Practice, Catalogue 2013, 288 pages, texts in original language German or English, 25 €

Within the project KEYwording:
Analog, 2013, 20 pages, English, 6 €
Bazaar, 2013, 28 pages, English, 6 €
English, 2013, 24 pages., English, 6 €
Food, 2013, 12 pages, English, 4 €
Gelände/Terrain, German/English, 48 pages, 2013, 8 €
Geschichten erzählen/Storytelling, German/English, 40 pages, 2013, 6 €
Relations, English, 40 pages, 2013, 6 €
Screen, German, 36 pages, 2013, 6 €
Streik/Strike, German/English, 76 pages, 2013, 23 €
Transit, 2013, 20 pages, English, 6 €
Veil, 2013, 28 pages, English, 6 €

Rising Stars, Falling Stars, 2012, 40 pages, in English, 5 €

Work in Progress Cinematographies of Labor, 2008, 315 pages, 19,80 €

Who says concrete doesn't burn, have you tried? West Berlin Film in the '80s, 2008, 240 pages, 22 €

Amos Gitai. News from Home, 2006, 499 pages, 13 €

The Memo Book Films, Videos and Installations by Matthias Müller, 2005, 280 pages, 25 €

Korea. Die Entdeckung eines Kontinents, Dokumentation 2005, 87 pages, 4 €

Porträts, Neues im russischen Dokumentarfilm, 2004, 24 pages, 2 €

Zwischen Barrikade und Elfenbeinturm, 30 Jahre Internationales Forum des Jungen Films, 2000, 208 pages, 25 €

Verleihkatalog Nachtrag 2000, 1,50 € each

… es kommt darauf an, sie zu verändern. Filme, Festivals, Feminismus, 1997, 64 pages, in English and German, 3 €

Verleihkatalog Nachtrag 1987–1995, 2. Auflage, 228 pages, 10 €

Die ungewöhnlichen Abenteuer des Dr. Mabuse im Lande der Bolschewiki, 1995, 301 pages, 13 €

Filmretrospektive: Sport – Körper – Bewegung, 1993, 228 pages, 2,50 €

Jüdische Lebenswelten im Film, 1993, 378 pages, 16 €

Der Krieg gegen die Sowjetunion, 1992, 167 pages, 5 €

Bismarck – Preußen, Deutschland und Europa, 1990, 2 €

Filmland Indien. Eine Dokumentation, mit Infomappe, 1991, 192 pages, 13 €

New American Filmmakers, 1978, 1 €

Das neue venezolanische Kino, 1978, 47 pages, 1 €

Streik und Film, 1975, 30 pages, 1 €

Film Archive Publications

Nr. 99, Jean Eustache, 2005, 182 pages, 12 €

Nr. 98, Im Kwon-Taek, 2005, 192 pages, 10 €

Nr. 97, Helke Sander, 2003, 172 pages, 10 €

Nr. 96, Satyajit Ray, 2003, 159 pages, 10 €

Nr. 91, Zwischen Farce und Melodram – Restaurierte Klassiker der Griechischen Kinemathek Athen, 2000, 80 pages, 4 €

Nr. 90, Amazonen der Avantgarde, 1999, 117 pages, 6 €

Nr. 89, Helma Sanders-Brahms, 1998, 252 pages, 7,50 €

Nr. 88, Max Mack: Showman im Glashaus, 1996, 236 pages, 10 €

Nr. 87, "Kann denn Lüge Wahrheit sein?" – Stereotypen im polnischen und deutschen Film, 1995, 192 pages, 6 €

Nr. 86, Ulrike Ottinger, 1995, aktualisierte Neuauflage 2001, 297 pages, 7,50 €

Nr. 83, Manfred Stelzer, 1994, 71 pages, 2,50 €

Nr. 82, DEFA NOVA – nach wie vor?, 1994, 357 pages, 2,50 €

Nr. 80, Will Tremper – Filme eines Journalisten, 1993, 76 pages, 2,50 €

Nr. 79, Die Filme des Prager Frühlings 1963–69, 1992, 142 pages, 5 €

Nr. 77, Daniel Eisenberg, 1992, 64 pages, 2 €

Nr. 69, Kino aus Schweden, 1986, 108 pages, 2 €

Nr. 62, Filme aus den Niederlanden, gestern und heute, 1983, 49 pages, 2 €

Nr. 61, Hommage an Falk Harnack, 1983, 31 pages, 1 €

Nr. 44, Filme aus Schweden, 1972, 40 pages, 1 €

International Forum of New Cinema

Pressedokumentation 1990–1992,  5 € each

Catalogue/Forum Information Sheets 1982, 1983, 1986, 1987, 1988, for free 
Catalogue/Forum Information Sheets 1989, 1992, 1994, 1995, for free
Catalogue/Forum Information Sheets 1997–2010, in English and German, for free
see also Film PDFs

Catalogue/Forum Information Sheets 2011, in English and German, 10 €

Dialogues with Films – Four Decades of the Forum 2009, 105 pages, Book & DVD, in English and German, 5 €

Index 1971–1989, 10 €

Video und Super 8, 1986, 1,50 €

Perspektiven – Video – Super 8, 1987, 2 €

Panorama des neuen indischen Films, 1979, 91 pages, 4 €
Kino in Indien II, 1988, 127 pages, 5 €
Filmland Indien. Eine Dokumentation, mit Infomappe, 1991, 192 pages, 13 €
(3 Publications for 20 €)


Sudanese Film Group – Films by Suliman Elnour, Eltayeb Mahdi, Ibrahim Shaddad, GDR/USSR/Egypt/Sudan, 1964-1989, 174 min, 16,90 €

Shaihu Umar Adamu Halilu, Nigeria, 1976, 137 min, 16,90 €

Ramdenime interviu pirad sakitchebse (Some Interviews on Personal Matters) Lana Gogoberidse, USSR/Georgia 1978, 95 min, 16,90 €

Revision Philip Scheffner, Germany 2012, 106 min. / And-Ek Ghes… Philip Scheffner, Colorado Velcu, Germany 2016, 94 min, 16,90 €

Havarie Philip Scheffner, Germany 2016, 93 min, 16,90 €

Specters of Freedom – Cinema and Decolonization Ruy Guerra, Murilo Salles, Trinh T. Minh-ha, Assia Djebar, Joaquim Lopes Barbosa, Sarah Maldoror, Algeria/Mozambique/USA 1969–1982, 311 min, 16,90 €

ORG Fernando Birri, Italien 1967–78, 177 min, 16,90 €

Ghashiram Kotwal Yukt Film Cooperative, India 1977, 107 min, 16,90 €

Films by Sheila McLaughlin & Lynne Tillman, USA / West Germany 1976–87, 194 min, 16,90 €

Riki Kalbe 15 Films 1976–98, 263 min, 16,90 €

Kya hua is shahar ko? (What Has Happened to this City?) Deepa Dhanraj, India 1986, 95 min, 16,90 €

The Halfmoon Files & Day of the Sparrow Philip Scheffner, Germany 2007 & 2010, 187 min, 16,90 €

Riddles of the Sphinx & AMY! Laura Mulvey & Peter Wollen, UK 1977 & 1980, 125 min, 16,90 €

Die Urszene Christine Noll Brinckmann – Films and Texts, 2008, 36 pages, Book & DVD, 25 €

Archiv der Blicke Rüdiger Neumann, Germany 1980–93, 330 min, 16,90 €

My Winnipeg Guy Maddin, Canada 2007, 79 min, 16,90 €

The Formative Years (I) Heinz Emigholz, Germany 1972–75, 142 min, 16,90 €
The Formative Years (II) Heinz Emigholz, Germany 1975–77, 56 min, 16,90 €

Compilation 2009 & 2010 – Experimental Films from the Arsenal Distribution range
DVD box-set for curators, festivals or any other distribution channels

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund

The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut