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The Garet farm is for sale. Two brothers, Jean and Raymond Depardon, are chatting about the future and the past of their farm.

"Writing 'La ferme du Garet' ('The Garet Farm') gave me a welcome opportunity to examine the tricky subject of the world of small farmers without too much sentimentality, nostalgia or attachment to the past." Raymond Depardon

"Quoi de neuf au Garet?" is shown with Profils paysans – Le quotidien.

Production: Palmeraie et Désert (Clamart), Canal+ (Paris)

Cinematographer: Raymond Depardon Ton, Produzentin: Claudine Nougaret

Editor: Simon Jacquet

Format/screen ratio: 35mm, 1:1.66, Color

Running time: 10 min., 24 frames/sec.

Language: French

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media
  • Logo des Programms NeuStart Kultur