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Those who seek political asylum in Italy fear for their very survival. They are forced to wait for sever­al years, are forbidden to work and receive no assist­ance from the state. They are not provided with lodging, food or information. The refugees set up communes, build shelters, squat in derelict buildings near centers of agricultural employment and fre­quently move around according to the harvest sea­son. They survive thanks to their network of solidar­ity, voluntary organizations and black market work. Starting in Rome, where a vast community has squatted in the old state railway warehouses next to Tiburtina station, the film traces stopovers in the journey of a nomadic population of asylum-seekers who, crossing the Italian peninsula, must head for the centers of seasonal harvesting in order to survive. An exploration of the exile of heroes, deserters and refugees from the wars in post-colonial Africa: the new migrants of Europe. "We tried to understand some of the mechanisms of Italian asylum law. We also collected personal stories and diaries of voyages from Africa to Europe, and then we decided to film the maximum surface or geography of Italian exile. We wanted everything we filmed to be clearly identifiable as ocurring in the present day." Domenico Distilo

Production + World Sales: Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia

Screenplay: Iosella Porto, Federico Fava, Domenico Distilo

Cinematographers: Christian Andres Burgos Hurtubia, Massimiliano Taricco, Maurizio Tiella

Editor: Paola Fornasier

With: Mohammed Alì Abubakar, Samuel Teklu, Lual Shoull, Adam, Joanna W. M. Henneman, Gianni Calastri, Ridvan Ozmen, Nur Mohammed Jamshidi, Matteo Delbò

Format: Digital Beta Pal, Color

Running time: 50 minutes

Language: Italian

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media
  • Logo des Programms NeuStart Kultur