Fujioka is a light-hearted detective demoted on corruption charges, now assigned to a city district dominated by two powerful gangster families, the Oka and Kozuka clans. Murayama, former Kozuka clan executive, swears vengeance upon the killers of his wife, the Oka clan. Oka attempts to bribe Fujioka, but Fujioka and Murayama are oddly befriended to stand against the Oka. Planned as a New Year's box-office project, this all-star film is action-entertainment with a novel touch. The second in a series of gangster films is flavored with a playful spirit, incorporating the taste of musical and sharp, skillful montages.
Production: Toho, Tokyo
Screenplay: Sekizawa Shinichi, based on a novel by Oyabu Haru-hiko
Cinematographer: Yamada Kazuo
Editor: Kuroiwa Yoshitami
Cast: Mifune Toshiro, Tsuruta Koji, Tsukasa Yoko, Kawazu Seizaburo, Nakamaru Tadao, Tazaki Jun, Sato Makoto
Format: 35mm, Cinemascope, Color
Running time: 95 minutes
Language: Japanese
Photo: © 1960 TOHO Co., Ltd.
Text: Morimune Atsuko, catalog TOKYO FILMeX 2006