Return Return is a mashup between an audiotext work by Caroline Bergvall, VIA (48 Dante Translations), and a slowed-down version of the trailer to the feature-length fiction film Saturn Returns. 26 minutes long, it is comprised of only one digested minute of footage from the original film, accompanying the story’s three main performers: Tal Meiri, Chloe Griffin and Joshua Bogle. The secondary medium – the trailer – becomes the only source. Two texts appear on screen: One is a dialogue quote from the original film, and the other a quote from T. S. Eliot’s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.
HD, 26 minutes
Lior Shamriz, born in 1978 in Ashkelon, Israel, lives and works in Berlin. Films (selection): 2002: Albania; 2005: Return to the Savanna; 2007: Japan Japan; 2008: The Magic Desk, 2009: Saturn Returns.