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In his new experimental documentary, Reza Haeri deals with contemporary Iranian history, focusing on the evolution of clothes and fashion. The film is structured like a collage, interweaving archival footage from Iranian cinema, imagery from various stylistic epochs in the history of Persian painting, graphics from the period of the Islamic Revolution, and works provided by various artists.

SD, 31 minutes

Reza Haeri, born 1974, is an Iranian filmmaker and producer of documentary and short films. He lives and works in Tehran. Some of his recent works include 2004: landfill; waltzing; 2005: Imam Internet; 2006: 127 an Iranian band; 2008: Final Fitting; 2010: FYI London underground.

Contact: www.rezahaeri.com

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media
  • Logo des Programms NeuStart Kultur