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Dani Gal

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USA/Deutschland 2011

Deutschlandradio Kultur and Forum Expanded present a carte blanche for a cross media sound art experiment. There are no formal constraints other than the total length of the program. Five artists coming from the realms of audio-, video-, media arts and film will produce experimental sound projections for the ether.

Dani Gal born 1977 in Jerusalem, lives and works in Berlin. In his sound, film and slideinstallations he questions the constructions and presentations of history through media. He has been awarded the Ars Viva, Kunstpreis Kulturkreis der Deutschen Wirtschaft (2009) and the Villa Romana Kunstpreis (2008). Exhibitions (selection): 2010 Chanting Down Babylon, 139 Arts Centre, Amsterdam; Art Basel 41 Statements with Freymond-Guth & Co. Fine Arts; lüttgenmeijer, Berlin.

16.02. 17:30 Arsenal 1

18.02. 00:05 Deutschlandradio Kultur (89.6 UKW), http://www.dradio.de/dkultur/sendungen/klangkunst/1367636/

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media
  • Logo des Programms NeuStart Kultur